Media I've consumed in 2012

January 01, 2013 at 12:09 PM | categories: movies, books, games | View Comments

While some people take the end of a year as an opportunity to reflect on how awesome and successful they are, I prefer to look back at all of the media I've consumed over the past year.

Without further ado, here's how I wasted my time:


There were tons of good movies in this list (sequels notwithstanding, which were universally a disappointment for me this year). Still, head and shoulders above the rest was a huge surprise in 1951's Ace in the Hole. That movie predicted the 24 hour news cycle 60 years ago with incredible prescience, and it's refreshing to see a movie as cynical as I am, doubly so one from the same decade that brought us Leave it to Beaver. Billy Wilder is fast becoming both my favorite writer and director.


I didn't play many games this year, and even fewer good ones. Still, Skyrim is most impressive in both quality and quantity of content. Honorable mention to The Walking Dead for its handling of story and episodic content. It's good to finally see Telltale Games get credit for what they're doing.

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