I Just Played Little Inferno

June 21, 2013 at 09:45 PM | categories: games | View Comments


Little Inferno is an entertaining little morsel of a game. It sustains its simplistic "gameplay"-- which mainly consists of adventure game inventory combinations--with a dark, almost morbid sense of humor, as the entire game has you buying toys just so you can immediately throw them in a fire, leaving room for you to purchase more toys. The social commentary isn't exactly subtle, but it's effective. The writing and the foreboding soundtrack elevate the game so even from the first toy you throw in the fire, you know the game is more ambitious than its mechanics suggest. Still, this may be to the games detriment, as it has you expecting dark twists from the start. By the time the game ended, the story seemed almost conventional after all of the foreshadowing leading up to the finale.

If you picked up this game as part of a Humble Bundle, I recommend actually playing through it to the end. It only takes a couple hours, and is entirely worth the time.

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